Circling the Drain
Circling the Drain
Aging is Not an Inevitable Decline with Dr. Vonda Wright
When we saw Dr. Vonda Wright's medical specialty - orthopedic sports medicine surgeon specializing in shoulder, hip and knee arthroscopy for athletes and active people of all ages - we knew that she would have a lot to contribute to our ongoing conversation about the effects of perimenopause on all of our different body parts. However, we had no idea that we would be having a chat with one of the most upbeat, inspiring women we have ever had the pleasure of interviewing, and that we would gain new perspectives and attitudes about what it means to age well. It's no surprise that Dr. Vonda is therefore a public speaker in high demand, as well as the author of 5 books with titles like Guide to THRIVE: 4 Steps to Body, Brains and Bliss and Fitness After 40: How to Stay Strong at Any Age. She is a powerhouse of energy with great tips on optimizing many important aspects of your life, and she isn't afraid to use curse words! Listen and learn why aging is NOT an inevitable decline from vitality to frailty, and let us know if you identify with Ellie's definition of "keeping track fatigue" and "incompetence fatigue" or Julia's rapidly darkening moustache. Or all of the above!
Topics and Timestamps
15:15 Dr. Vonda addresses how hormonal shifts can affect things like a torn ACL
22:13 Dr. Vonda defines "aging well"
25:00 Dr. Vonda discusses making a strategic plan for your health
36:48 Dr. Vonda explains the concept of "precision medicine"
Websites and Social Media Handles
Dr. Vonda Wright's website
Dr. Vonda's Books
Dr. Vonda's Insta
Dr. Vonda's Facebook
NovaMD supplements by Dr. Vonda
Other Resources Mentioned
Let's Talk Menopause's Menoposium
Say She She - Julia's music recco
Nicolle Galyon - boy crazy video - Dr. Vonda's song recco
Our Favorite Links
Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
Julia G Wellness
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