Circling the Drain
Circling the Drain
Have You Ever Heard of Pill Goggles? with Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein
Ricki Lake (yes, THAT Ricki Lake) and Abby Epstein have worked together on some groundbreaking documentaries which you should watch immediately if you haven't yet done so. The Business of Being Born changed the way we looked at birthing options and medical interventions, and their most recent collaboration, The Business of Birth Control, examines the complex relationship between hormonal birth control and women’s health and liberation. Both women are brilliant and down-to-earth, and we loved talking to them about their films, their friendship, and their aging journey. We hope we didn't humiliate ourselves when we asked them to "lick each other's buttholes", which is our weird way of saying "give each other complements". We tried our best to maintain our composure in the presence of artistic geniuses, but you should listen to the episode and let us know how we did.
Handles and sites
The Business of Birth Control website
The Business of Birth Control Facebook
The Business of Birth Control Instagram
Body Literacy Summit
Ricki facebook - @rickilake
Abby facebook - @abbyepstein
Ricki Insta - @rickilake
Abby Insta - @abbyepsteinxoxo
Show Notes
Dr. Lara Briden
Menopause Bootcamp
Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz
Episode Sponsor
The Furious Trail by Paddy G, Illustrated by Kajsa Hallstrom
Other Links
Purely Elizabeth Affiliate Link
Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
Julia G Wellness
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